New messages

Discussion in 'Help, Support, Bug reports & Problems' started by Gary, Aug 8, 2006.

  1. Gary

    Gary Active Member

    Sometimes my messages tells me I have no new ones.

    Then when I go into my inbox I do :shock:

    Has happened a few times
  2. ELV1S

    ELV1S Administrator

    Someone telling you, that you have no mates :lol:
  3. ELV1S

    ELV1S Administrator

    When you click on messages at the top, that should automatically take you to your inbox, ? And new messages ?
  4. Gary

    Gary Active Member

    I know that

    What I am saying is it's telling me I have no new mesages, even when I log out/back in or refresh the page.

    Then when I go to in box as you described I do have a new message.

    The PM you just sent :shock: worked ok :lol:
  5. nas sti

    nas sti New Member

    yhm gary :lol:
  6. Gary

    Gary Active Member

    Received loud and clear :shock:

    You have one back :lol:

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